Copy trades from here:

Copy trades from here:



Net Profit
Average Weekly Return
Win Rate
Max Drawdown

Flax.Fund is a completely automated and constantly evolving piece of financial management software. It has been developed and optimised across a broad range of asset classes spanning multiple decades. It is operating across a wide array of markets on multiple different timeframes to ensure uncorrelated and non overfitted returns regardless of current financial conditions.

To replicate these levels of performance and gain automated exposure to a number of markets, we have provided signals and copy trading services on a number of platforms, all of which are listed here. These sites operate at limited user and investment capacity. Not all Flax.Fund traded assets are available on any one platform. Past performance is not indicative of potential future returns.

To discuss private equity and investment management services up to $30mm please contact us directly.

Disclaimer: Nothing within this site or any external sites referenced should be misconstrued as financial advice or investment management. The information and services provided are for educational purposes only. You are responsible for your own investment decisions.


ETH - flaxfund.eth

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